The High Reliability Organization Perspective

September 27, 2024

My thoughts

Great paper highlighting how much intentionality is needed for High Reliability in organizations. I particularly enjoyed the mention of complacency, people and competing priorities factors that come into play.


Failures are mostly related to the ability of the industry to effectively adapt to, and absorb variations, changes, disturbances, disruptions, and surprises

Rating organizations:

  • Preparedness/Anticipation: is the organization proactive in picking up on evidence of developing problems versus only reacting after problems become significant?
  • Opacity/Observability: does the organization monitor safety boundaries and recognize how close it is to “ the edge ” in terms of degraded defenses and barriers? To what extent is information about safety concerns widely distributed throughout the organization at all levels versus closely held by a few individuals?
  • Flexibility/Stiffness: how does the organization adapt to change, disruptions, and opportunities?

Read the article: The High Reliability Organization Perspective